In this tutorial, we are going to use the R package lavaan for advanced latent growth models and package OpenMx for mixture growth models.

Load the pacakges


Example: LGM with time dependent covariates

The data for this example are from 324 non-native English speakers, whose reading ability and writing ability have been measured at three equally spaced time points (1 month apart).

Read the data

lower <- '
32.060  39.350
29.666  28.796  37.428
18.070  17.553  16.614  20.924
17.863  17.192  16.142  14.665  17.987
17.294  17.261  17.032  14.893  13.786  18.103

covmat <- getCov(lower)
smeans <- c(17.080, 18.404, 19.228, 18.590, 19.352, 20.265)

rownames(covmat) <- colnames(covmat) <- c(paste0("read", 1:3), paste0("write", 1:3))

Fit the model

No special syntax is required for you to fit a LGM with time dependent covariates. You only need to correctly specify the covariance structure and mean structure for your model using the regular lavaan model syntax. This is another example showing you that it is more important to have a good understanding of the models before you translate it into programming language. :)

tdc.model <- '

# latent intercept and slope

interc =~ 1*write1 + 1*write2 + 1*write3
slope =~ 0*write1 + 1*write2 + 2*write3

# path coefficients

write1 ~ read1
write2 ~ read2
write3 ~ read3

# covariances

read1 ~~ interc + slope + read2 + read3
read2 ~~ interc + slope + read3
read3 ~~ interc + slope

# means

read1 ~ 1
read2 ~ 1
read3 ~ 1
' <- growth(tdc.model, sample.cov = covmat, sample.mean = smeans, sample.nobs = 324)
summary(, fit.measures = T, standardized = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 165 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        26
##   Number of observations                           324
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                 0.189
##   Degrees of freedom                                 1
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.664
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                              1522.714
##   Degrees of freedom                                15
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.008
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -5214.836
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5214.742
##   Akaike (AIC)                               10481.672
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             10579.972
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)      10497.502
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.112
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.770
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.127
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.005
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   interc =~                                                             
##     write1            1.000                               4.180    0.919
##     write2            1.000                               4.180    0.982
##     write3            1.000                               4.180    0.987
##   slope =~                                                              
##     write1            0.000                                  NA       NA
##     write2            1.000                                  NA       NA
##     write3            2.000                                  NA       NA
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   write1 ~                                                              
##     read1            -0.077    0.076   -1.012    0.312   -0.077   -0.110
##   write2 ~                                                              
##     read2             0.001    0.039    0.032    0.975    0.001    0.002
##   write3 ~                                                              
##     read3             0.080    0.071    1.135    0.256    0.080    0.116
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   interc ~~                                                             
##     read1            21.146    3.637    5.814    0.000    5.059    0.773
##   slope ~~                                                              
##     read1            -3.197    2.310   -1.384    0.166   -5.913   -0.904
##   read1 ~~                                                              
##     read2            31.961    2.887   11.072    0.000   31.961    0.780
##     read3            29.574    2.762   10.709    0.000   29.574    0.740
##   interc ~~                                                             
##     read2            19.790    3.129    6.326    0.000    4.735    0.756
##   slope ~~                                                              
##     read2            -2.506    1.943   -1.289    0.197   -4.634   -0.740
##   read2 ~~                                                              
##     read3            28.707    2.657   10.803    0.000   28.707    0.750
##   interc ~~                                                             
##     read3            18.664    2.943    6.342    0.000    4.466    0.731
##   slope ~~                                                              
##     read3            -2.405    2.125   -1.132    0.258   -4.447   -0.728
##   interc ~~                                                             
##     slope            -1.477    1.567   -0.942    0.346   -0.653   -0.653
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##     read1            17.080    0.363   47.003    0.000   17.080    2.611
##     read2            18.404    0.348   52.891    0.000   18.404    2.938
##     read3            19.228    0.339   56.660    0.000   19.228    3.148
##    .write1            0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .write2            0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .write3            0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     interc           19.907    1.321   15.070    0.000    4.763    4.763
##     slope            -0.588    1.115   -0.528    0.598       NA       NA
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .write1            6.218    1.046    5.945    0.000    6.218    0.300
##    .write2            3.864    0.486    7.942    0.000    3.864    0.213
##    .write3            5.061    0.913    5.541    0.000    5.061    0.282
##     read1            42.784    3.361   12.728    0.000   42.784    1.000
##     read2            39.229    3.082   12.728    0.000   39.229    1.000
##     read3            37.312    2.932   12.728    0.000   37.312    1.000
##     interc           17.469    3.596    4.858    0.000    1.000    1.000
##     slope            -0.292    0.591   -0.495    0.621       NA       NA

Example: Multiple Domain Models

Read the data

setwd(mypath)  # set working directory to where the data file is stored

dat <- read.delim("multiple_domain_data.txt", sep = '\t', header = F)
colnames(dat) <- c('read1', 'read2', 'read3', 'list1', 'list2', 'list3',
                        'speak1', 'speak2', 'speak3', 'write1', 'write2', 'write3')

## 'data.frame':    170 obs. of  12 variables:
##  $ read1 : int  22 19 24 21 24 17 14 30 19 11 ...
##  $ read2 : int  24 19 26 24 26 21 19 29 23 6 ...
##  $ read3 : int  23 17 30 27 28 20 20 29 23 13 ...
##  $ list1 : int  28 18 27 18 29 18 14 27 13 15 ...
##  $ list2 : int  30 16 30 20 28 16 7 18 10 8 ...
##  $ list3 : int  29 17 27 18 26 17 10 24 17 19 ...
##  $ speak1: int  23 19 24 22 17 14 14 23 17 23 ...
##  $ speak2: int  23 18 24 17 18 17 10 22 17 22 ...
##  $ speak3: int  23 18 29 17 19 15 10 23 18 24 ...
##  $ write1: int  25 17 21 18 20 21 14 22 17 17 ...
##  $ write2: int  22 20 24 21 20 17 18 25 20 18 ...
##  $ write3: int  21 25 27 22 22 21 18 22 17 18 ...
##      read1           read2           read3           list1      
##  Min.   : 0.00   Min.   : 3.00   Min.   : 4.00   Min.   : 1.00  
##  1st Qu.:13.00   1st Qu.:14.00   1st Qu.:16.00   1st Qu.:13.00  
##  Median :17.00   Median :19.00   Median :20.00   Median :17.00  
##  Mean   :17.38   Mean   :18.55   Mean   :19.55   Mean   :16.56  
##  3rd Qu.:22.00   3rd Qu.:23.00   3rd Qu.:23.00   3rd Qu.:21.00  
##  Max.   :30.00   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :30.00  
##      list2           list3           speak1          speak2     
##  Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 0.00   Min.   : 5.00  
##  1st Qu.:14.00   1st Qu.:15.00   1st Qu.:15.00   1st Qu.:17.00  
##  Median :18.00   Median :19.00   Median :18.00   Median :18.00  
##  Mean   :17.63   Mean   :18.58   Mean   :17.96   Mean   :18.73  
##  3rd Qu.:21.75   3rd Qu.:23.00   3rd Qu.:20.00   3rd Qu.:22.00  
##  Max.   :30.00   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :28.00   Max.   :27.00  
##      speak3          write1          write2          write3     
##  Min.   :10.00   Min.   : 7.00   Min.   : 8.00   Min.   : 7.00  
##  1st Qu.:17.00   1st Qu.:15.00   1st Qu.:17.00   1st Qu.:18.00  
##  Median :19.00   Median :20.00   Median :20.00   Median :20.50  
##  Mean   :19.24   Mean   :18.59   Mean   :19.58   Mean   :20.11  
##  3rd Qu.:22.00   3rd Qu.:21.00   3rd Qu.:22.00   3rd Qu.:22.00  
##  Max.   :29.00   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :28.00   Max.   :29.00

Unstructured Growth

md.model <- '

RINT =~ 1*read1 + 1*read2 + 1*read3
RSLOPE =~ 0*read1 + 1*read2 + 2*read3

LINT =~ 1*list1 + 1*list2 + 1*list3
LSLOPE =~ 0*list1 + 1*list2 + 2*list3

SINT =~ 1*speak1 + 1*speak2 + 1*speak3
SSLOPE =~ 0*speak1 + 1*speak2 + 2*speak3

WINT =~ 1*write1 + 1*write2 + 1*write3
WSLOPE =~ 0*write1 + 1*write2 + 2*write3

RINT ~ 1
LINT ~ 1
SINT ~ 1
WINT ~ 1

read1 ~ 0*1
read2 ~ 0*1
read3 ~ 0*1

list1 ~ 0*1
list2 ~ 0*1
list3 ~ 0*1

speak1 ~ 0*1
speak2 ~ 0*1
speak3 ~ 0*1

write1 ~ 0*1
write2 ~ 0*1
write3 ~ 0*1

read1 ~~ list1 + speak1 + write1
read2 ~~ list2 + speak2 + write2
read3 ~~ list3 + speak3 + write3

list1 ~~ speak1 + write1
list2 ~~ speak2 + write2
list3 ~~ speak3 + write3

speak1 ~~ write1
speak2 ~~ write2
speak3 ~~ write3

' <- sem(md.model, dat)
summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 394 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        74
##   Number of observations                           170
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                15.567
##   Degrees of freedom                                16
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.484
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                              1711.627
##   Degrees of freedom                                66
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.001
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -5306.076
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5298.293
##   Akaike (AIC)                               10760.153
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             10992.202
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)      10757.891
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.069
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.827
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.019
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.029
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   RINT =~                                             
##     read1             1.000                           
##     read2             1.000                           
##     read3             1.000                           
##   RSLOPE =~                                           
##     read1             0.000                           
##     read2             1.000                           
##     read3             2.000                           
##   LINT =~                                             
##     list1             1.000                           
##     list2             1.000                           
##     list3             1.000                           
##   LSLOPE =~                                           
##     list1             0.000                           
##     list2             1.000                           
##     list3             2.000                           
##   SINT =~                                             
##     speak1            1.000                           
##     speak2            1.000                           
##     speak3            1.000                           
##   SSLOPE =~                                           
##     speak1            0.000                           
##     speak2            1.000                           
##     speak3            2.000                           
##   WINT =~                                             
##     write1            1.000                           
##     write2            1.000                           
##     write3            1.000                           
##   WSLOPE =~                                           
##     write1            0.000                           
##     write2            1.000                           
##     write3            2.000                           
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##  .read1 ~~                                            
##    .list1             2.930    2.375    1.234    0.217
##    .speak1            0.123    1.424    0.087    0.931
##    .write1           -1.807    1.644   -1.100    0.272
##  .read2 ~~                                            
##    .list2             0.078    1.332    0.059    0.953
##    .speak2           -0.147    0.686   -0.214    0.831
##    .write2            0.653    0.833    0.784    0.433
##  .read3 ~~                                            
##    .list3             0.539    2.210    0.244    0.807
##    .speak3            0.687    1.228    0.559    0.576
##    .write3           -0.698    1.438   -0.486    0.627
##  .list1 ~~                                            
##    .speak1            0.186    1.443    0.129    0.898
##    .write1            2.345    1.608    1.458    0.145
##  .list2 ~~                                            
##    .speak2            0.432    0.796    0.543    0.587
##    .write2           -0.534    0.895   -0.596    0.551
##  .list3 ~~                                            
##    .speak3           -0.479    1.337   -0.358    0.720
##    .write3            0.716    1.483    0.482    0.629
##  .speak1 ~~                                           
##    .write1            2.183    1.020    2.141    0.032
##  .speak2 ~~                                           
##    .write2           -0.291    0.484   -0.601    0.548
##  .speak3 ~~                                           
##    .write3            0.244    0.894    0.273    0.785
##   RINT ~~                                             
##     RSLOPE           -2.156    1.846   -1.168    0.243
##     LINT             17.235    3.569    4.829    0.000
##     LSLOPE            1.510    1.540    0.980    0.327
##     SINT              8.868    2.174    4.078    0.000
##     SSLOPE           -0.483    0.870   -0.555    0.579
##     WINT             17.697    2.602    6.801    0.000
##     WSLOPE           -1.338    0.998   -1.341    0.180
##   RSLOPE ~~                                           
##     LINT             -0.583    1.458   -0.400    0.689
##     LSLOPE            0.645    1.115    0.578    0.563
##     SINT             -0.609    0.908   -0.671    0.502
##     SSLOPE           -0.090    0.646   -0.139    0.889
##     WINT             -2.329    1.024   -2.275    0.023
##     WSLOPE            0.940    0.749    1.255    0.209
##   LINT ~~                                             
##     LSLOPE           -1.869    1.808   -1.034    0.301
##     SINT             13.981    2.243    6.232    0.000
##     SSLOPE           -0.407    0.851   -0.478    0.633
##     WINT             14.656    2.489    5.888    0.000
##     WSLOPE           -0.555    0.960   -0.578    0.563
##   LSLOPE ~~                                           
##     SINT             -0.684    0.948   -0.722    0.471
##     SSLOPE            0.396    0.677    0.584    0.559
##     WINT             -0.040    1.037   -0.039    0.969
##     WSLOPE            0.087    0.748    0.117    0.907
##   SINT ~~                                             
##     SSLOPE           -0.492    0.649   -0.758    0.448
##     WINT              9.779    1.615    6.055    0.000
##     WSLOPE           -0.228    0.613   -0.372    0.710
##   SSLOPE ~~                                           
##     WINT             -0.177    0.601   -0.295    0.768
##     WSLOPE           -0.101    0.465   -0.216    0.829
##   WINT ~~                                             
##     WSLOPE           -0.472    0.778   -0.607    0.544
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     RINT             17.383    0.480   36.192    0.000
##     RSLOPE            1.091    0.171    6.377    0.000
##     LINT             16.626    0.452   36.807    0.000
##     LSLOPE            0.984    0.186    5.285    0.000
##     SINT             18.058    0.302   59.726    0.000
##     SSLOPE            0.611    0.104    5.859    0.000
##     WINT             18.717    0.325   57.663    0.000
##     WSLOPE            0.721    0.117    6.186    0.000
##    .read1             0.000                           
##    .read2             0.000                           
##    .read3             0.000                           
##    .list1             0.000                           
##    .list2             0.000                           
##    .list3             0.000                           
##    .speak1            0.000                           
##    .speak2            0.000                           
##    .speak3            0.000                           
##    .write1            0.000                           
##    .write2            0.000                           
##    .write3            0.000                           
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .read1            10.733    3.261    3.291    0.001
##    .read2             9.325    1.604    5.813    0.000
##    .read3             6.483    2.736    2.370    0.018
##    .list1             8.924    3.139    2.843    0.004
##    .list2            14.574    2.038    7.150    0.000
##    .list3             5.192    2.956    1.756    0.079
##    .speak1            4.380    1.186    3.694    0.000
##    .speak2            2.585    0.563    4.593    0.000
##    .speak3            2.404    1.050    2.291    0.022
##    .write1            5.482    1.398    3.920    0.000
##    .write2            4.196    0.720    5.832    0.000
##    .write3            2.963    1.262    2.349    0.019
##     RINT             30.800    4.755    6.477    0.000
##     RSLOPE            0.790    1.457    0.542    0.588
##     LINT             27.172    4.403    6.172    0.000
##     LSLOPE            2.468    1.461    1.689    0.091
##     SINT             12.419    1.785    6.958    0.000
##     SSLOPE            0.245    0.546    0.449    0.654
##     WINT             13.959    2.101    6.645    0.000
##     WSLOPE            0.325    0.642    0.506    0.613

Structured Growth

sg.model <- '

RINT =~ 1*read1 + 1*read2 + 1*read3
RSLOPE =~ 0*read1 + 1*read2 + 2*read3

LINT =~ 1*list1 + 1*list2 + 1*list3
LSLOPE =~ 0*list1 + 1*list2 + 2*list3

SFINAL =~ 1*speak1 + 1*speak2 + 1*speak3
SSLOPE =~ -2*speak1 + -1*speak2 + 0*speak3

WINT =~ 1*write1 + 1*write2 + 1*write3
WSLOPE =~ 0*write1 + 1*write2 + 2*write3

RINT ~ 1
LINT ~ 1
WINT ~ 1

read1 ~ 0*1
read2 ~ 0*1
read3 ~ 0*1

list1 ~ 0*1
list2 ~ 0*1
list3 ~ 0*1

speak1 ~ 0*1
speak2 ~ 0*1
speak3 ~ 0*1

write1 ~ 0*1
write2 ~ 0*1
write3 ~ 0*1

read1 ~~ list1 + speak1 + write1
read2 ~~ list2 + speak2 + write2
read3 ~~ list3 + speak3 + write3

list1 ~~ speak1 + write1
list2 ~~ speak2 + write2
list3 ~~ speak3 + write3

speak1 ~~ write1
speak2 ~~ write2
speak3 ~~ write3

# structured growth



' <- sem(sg.model, dat)
summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 1028 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        74
##   Number of observations                           170
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                15.567
##   Degrees of freedom                                16
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.484
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                              1711.627
##   Degrees of freedom                                66
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.001
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -5306.076
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5298.293
##   Akaike (AIC)                               10760.153
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             10992.202
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)      10757.891
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.069
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.827
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.019
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.029
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   RINT =~                                             
##     read1             1.000                           
##     read2             1.000                           
##     read3             1.000                           
##   RSLOPE =~                                           
##     read1             0.000                           
##     read2             1.000                           
##     read3             2.000                           
##   LINT =~                                             
##     list1             1.000                           
##     list2             1.000                           
##     list3             1.000                           
##   LSLOPE =~                                           
##     list1             0.000                           
##     list2             1.000                           
##     list3             2.000                           
##   SFINAL =~                                           
##     speak1            1.000                           
##     speak2            1.000                           
##     speak3            1.000                           
##   SSLOPE =~                                           
##     speak1           -2.000                           
##     speak2           -1.000                           
##     speak3            0.000                           
##   WINT =~                                             
##     write1            1.000                           
##     write2            1.000                           
##     write3            1.000                           
##   WSLOPE =~                                           
##     write1            0.000                           
##     write2            1.000                           
##     write3            2.000                           
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   SFINAL ~                                            
##     RINT             -0.510    0.168   -3.043    0.002
##     RSLOPE           -0.636    0.945   -0.673    0.501
##     LINT              0.456    0.170    2.685    0.007
##     LSLOPE            0.878    0.611    1.436    0.151
##     WINT              0.740    0.274    2.702    0.007
##     WSLOPE            0.040    1.039    0.039    0.969
##   SSLOPE ~                                            
##     RINT             -0.091    0.095   -0.966    0.334
##     RSLOPE           -0.128    0.618   -0.207    0.836
##     LINT              0.034    0.109    0.312    0.755
##     LSLOPE            0.286    0.389    0.735    0.463
##     WINT              0.037    0.180    0.208    0.835
##     WSLOPE           -0.280    0.695   -0.403    0.687
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##  .read1 ~~                                            
##    .list1             2.930    2.375    1.234    0.217
##    .speak1            0.123    1.424    0.087    0.931
##    .write1           -1.807    1.644   -1.100    0.272
##  .read2 ~~                                            
##    .list2             0.078    1.332    0.059    0.953
##    .speak2           -0.147    0.686   -0.214    0.831
##    .write2            0.653    0.833    0.784    0.433
##  .read3 ~~                                            
##    .list3             0.539    2.210    0.244    0.807
##    .speak3            0.687    1.228    0.559    0.576
##    .write3           -0.698    1.438   -0.486    0.627
##  .list1 ~~                                            
##    .speak1            0.186    1.443    0.129    0.898
##    .write1            2.345    1.608    1.458    0.145
##  .list2 ~~                                            
##    .speak2            0.432    0.796    0.543    0.587
##    .write2           -0.534    0.895   -0.596    0.551
##  .list3 ~~                                            
##    .speak3           -0.479    1.337   -0.358    0.720
##    .write3            0.716    1.483    0.482    0.629
##  .speak1 ~~                                           
##    .write1            2.183    1.020    2.141    0.032
##  .speak2 ~~                                           
##    .write2           -0.291    0.484   -0.601    0.548
##  .speak3 ~~                                           
##    .write3            0.244    0.894    0.273    0.785
##  .SFINAL ~~                                           
##    .SSLOPE           -0.332    0.878   -0.378    0.705
##   RINT ~~                                             
##     RSLOPE           -2.156    1.846   -1.168    0.243
##     LINT             17.235    3.569    4.829    0.000
##     LSLOPE            1.510    1.540    0.980    0.327
##     WINT             17.697    2.602    6.801    0.000
##     WSLOPE           -1.338    0.998   -1.341    0.180
##   RSLOPE ~~                                           
##     LINT             -0.583    1.458   -0.400    0.689
##     LSLOPE            0.645    1.115    0.578    0.563
##     WINT             -2.329    1.024   -2.275    0.023
##     WSLOPE            0.940    0.749    1.255    0.209
##   LINT ~~                                             
##     LSLOPE           -1.869    1.808   -1.034    0.301
##     WINT             14.656    2.489    5.888    0.000
##     WSLOPE           -0.554    0.960   -0.578    0.563
##   LSLOPE ~~                                           
##     WINT             -0.040    1.037   -0.039    0.969
##     WSLOPE            0.087    0.748    0.117    0.907
##   WINT ~~                                             
##     WSLOPE           -0.472    0.778   -0.607    0.544
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     RINT             17.383    0.480   36.192    0.000
##     RSLOPE            1.091    0.171    6.377    0.000
##     LINT             16.626    0.452   36.807    0.000
##     LSLOPE            0.984    0.186    5.285    0.000
##    .SFINAL            6.504    3.164    2.055    0.040
##    .SSLOPE            0.993    2.129    0.467    0.641
##     WINT             18.717    0.325   57.663    0.000
##     WSLOPE            0.721    0.117    6.186    0.000
##    .read1             0.000                           
##    .read2             0.000                           
##    .read3             0.000                           
##    .list1             0.000                           
##    .list2             0.000                           
##    .list3             0.000                           
##    .speak1            0.000                           
##    .speak2            0.000                           
##    .speak3            0.000                           
##    .write1            0.000                           
##    .write2            0.000                           
##    .write3            0.000                           
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .read1            10.733    3.261    3.291    0.001
##    .read2             9.325    1.604    5.813    0.000
##    .read3             6.482    2.736    2.370    0.018
##    .list1             8.924    3.139    2.843    0.004
##    .list2            14.574    2.038    7.150    0.000
##    .list3             5.193    2.956    1.756    0.079
##    .speak1            4.380    1.186    3.694    0.000
##    .speak2            2.585    0.563    4.593    0.000
##    .speak3            2.404    1.050    2.290    0.022
##    .write1            5.482    1.398    3.920    0.000
##    .write2            4.196    0.720    5.832    0.000
##    .write3            2.963    1.262    2.349    0.019
##     RINT             30.800    4.755    6.477    0.000
##     RSLOPE            0.790    1.457    0.542    0.588
##     LINT             27.172    4.403    6.172    0.000
##     LSLOPE            2.468    1.461    1.688    0.091
##    .SFINAL            1.895    1.509    1.256    0.209
##    .SSLOPE            0.068    0.645    0.106    0.915
##     WINT             13.959    2.101    6.645    0.000
##     WSLOPE            0.325    0.642    0.506    0.613

Example: Second-order LGM

The second-order LGM is discussed in detail in Hancock, Kuo, & Lawrence (2001). In this example, we have data collected from 170 male non-native adult English speakers. Their English language ability has been measured monthly for three months. The data is saved in a txt file named “second_order_data.txt”.

Read the data

setwd(mypath)  # set working directory to where the data file is stored <- read.delim("second_order_data.txt", sep = '\t', header = F)
colnames( <- c('read1', 'read2', 'read3', 'list1', 'list2', 'list3',
                        'speak1', 'speak2', 'speak3', 'write1', 'write2', 'write3')

## 'data.frame':    170 obs. of  12 variables:
##  $ read1 : int  22 19 24 21 24 17 14 30 19 11 ...
##  $ read2 : int  24 19 26 24 26 21 19 29 23 6 ...
##  $ read3 : int  23 17 30 27 28 20 20 29 23 13 ...
##  $ list1 : int  28 18 27 18 29 18 14 27 13 15 ...
##  $ list2 : int  30 16 30 20 28 16 7 18 10 8 ...
##  $ list3 : int  29 17 27 18 26 17 10 24 17 19 ...
##  $ speak1: int  23 19 24 22 17 14 14 23 17 23 ...
##  $ speak2: int  23 18 24 17 18 17 10 22 17 22 ...
##  $ speak3: int  23 18 29 17 19 15 10 23 18 24 ...
##  $ write1: int  25 17 21 18 20 21 14 22 17 17 ...
##  $ write2: int  22 20 24 21 20 17 18 25 20 18 ...
##  $ write3: int  21 25 27 22 22 21 18 22 17 18 ...
##      read1           read2           read3           list1      
##  Min.   : 0.00   Min.   : 3.00   Min.   : 4.00   Min.   : 1.00  
##  1st Qu.:13.00   1st Qu.:14.00   1st Qu.:16.00   1st Qu.:13.00  
##  Median :17.00   Median :19.00   Median :20.00   Median :17.00  
##  Mean   :17.38   Mean   :18.55   Mean   :19.55   Mean   :16.56  
##  3rd Qu.:22.00   3rd Qu.:23.00   3rd Qu.:23.00   3rd Qu.:21.00  
##  Max.   :30.00   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :30.00  
##      list2           list3           speak1          speak2     
##  Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 0.00   Min.   : 5.00  
##  1st Qu.:14.00   1st Qu.:15.00   1st Qu.:15.00   1st Qu.:17.00  
##  Median :18.00   Median :19.00   Median :18.00   Median :18.00  
##  Mean   :17.63   Mean   :18.58   Mean   :17.96   Mean   :18.73  
##  3rd Qu.:21.75   3rd Qu.:23.00   3rd Qu.:20.00   3rd Qu.:22.00  
##  Max.   :30.00   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :28.00   Max.   :27.00  
##      speak3          write1          write2          write3     
##  Min.   :10.00   Min.   : 7.00   Min.   : 8.00   Min.   : 7.00  
##  1st Qu.:17.00   1st Qu.:15.00   1st Qu.:17.00   1st Qu.:18.00  
##  Median :19.00   Median :20.00   Median :20.00   Median :20.50  
##  Mean   :19.24   Mean   :18.59   Mean   :19.58   Mean   :20.11  
##  3rd Qu.:22.00   3rd Qu.:21.00   3rd Qu.:22.00   3rd Qu.:22.00  
##  Max.   :29.00   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :28.00   Max.   :29.00

Fit the model

There is still no special syntax required for second-order LGM, although the model syntax looks lengthy. There are a few constraints we need to pay special attention to:

  1. The item loadings are constrained to be equal across time points (measurement invariance).
  2. The item whose loading is fixed to 1 also has its intercept fixed to 0.
  3. The item intercepts are constrained to be equal across time points.
second.model <- '

# first-order latent factors

english1 =~ read1 + a*list1 + b*speak1 + c*write1
english2 =~ read2 + a*list2 + b*speak2 + c*write2
english3 =~ read3 + a*list3 + b*speak3 + c*write3

# second-order growth factors 

interc =~ 1*english1 + 1*english2 + 1*english3
slope =~ 0*english1 + 1*english2 + 2*english3

# second-order factor covariances and intercept

interc ~~ slope
interc ~ 1
slope ~ 1

# residual covariances

read1 ~~ read2 + read3
read2 ~~ read3
list1 ~~ list2 + list3
list2 ~~ list3
speak1 ~~ speak2 + speak3
speak2 ~~ speak3
write1 ~~ write2 + write3
write2 ~~ write3

# fix zero intercepts

read1 ~ 0*1
read2 ~ 0*1
read3 ~ 0*1
# equality constraints on the intercepts

list1 ~ d*1
list2 ~ d*1
list3 ~ d*1

speak1 ~ e*1
speak2 ~ e*1
speak3 ~ e*1
write1 ~ f*1
write2 ~ f*1
write3 ~ f*1

' <- sem(second.model,
summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 188 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        50
##   Number of equality constraints                    12
##   Number of observations                           170
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                               109.864
##   Degrees of freedom                                52
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                              1711.627
##   Degrees of freedom                                66
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.965
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.955
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -5353.225
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5298.293
##   Akaike (AIC)                               10782.450
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             10901.610
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)      10781.289
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.081
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.060
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.102
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.010
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.548
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.066
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   english1 =~                                         
##     read1             1.000                           
##     list1      (a)    1.129    0.096   11.799    0.000
##     speak1     (b)    0.657    0.062   10.667    0.000
##     write1     (c)    0.835    0.068   12.221    0.000
##   english2 =~                                         
##     read2             1.000                           
##     list2      (a)    1.129    0.096   11.799    0.000
##     speak2     (b)    0.657    0.062   10.667    0.000
##     write2     (c)    0.835    0.068   12.221    0.000
##   english3 =~                                         
##     read3             1.000                           
##     list3      (a)    1.129    0.096   11.799    0.000
##     speak3     (b)    0.657    0.062   10.667    0.000
##     write3     (c)    0.835    0.068   12.221    0.000
##   interc =~                                           
##     english1          1.000                           
##     english2          1.000                           
##     english3          1.000                           
##   slope =~                                            
##     english1          0.000                           
##     english2          1.000                           
##     english3          2.000                           
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   interc ~~                                           
##     slope            -0.781    0.732   -1.068    0.286
##  .read1 ~~                                            
##    .read2            11.998    2.151    5.577    0.000
##    .read3            11.178    1.990    5.618    0.000
##  .read2 ~~                                            
##    .read3            10.096    1.831    5.514    0.000
##  .list1 ~~                                            
##    .list2             5.659    1.786    3.169    0.002
##    .list3             3.769    1.470    2.565    0.010
##  .list2 ~~                                            
##    .list3             5.682    1.705    3.333    0.001
##  .speak1 ~~                                           
##    .speak2            4.520    0.800    5.647    0.000
##    .speak3            4.329    0.778    5.564    0.000
##  .speak2 ~~                                           
##    .speak3            4.616    0.763    6.052    0.000
##  .write1 ~~                                           
##    .write2            1.562    0.741    2.109    0.035
##    .write3            1.701    0.702    2.425    0.015
##  .write2 ~~                                           
##    .write3            2.366    0.744    3.179    0.001
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     interc           17.631    0.450   39.147    0.000
##     slope             0.928    0.111    8.337    0.000
##    .read1             0.000                           
##    .read2             0.000                           
##    .read3             0.000                           
##    .list1      (d)   -3.342    1.837   -1.819    0.069
##    .list2      (d)   -3.342    1.837   -1.819    0.069
##    .list3      (d)   -3.342    1.837   -1.819    0.069
##    .speak1     (e)    6.455    1.186    5.441    0.000
##    .speak2     (e)    6.455    1.186    5.441    0.000
##    .speak3     (e)    6.455    1.186    5.441    0.000
##    .write1     (f)    3.934    1.310    3.002    0.003
##    .write2     (f)    3.934    1.310    3.002    0.003
##    .write3     (f)    3.934    1.310    3.002    0.003
##    .english1          0.000                           
##    .english2          0.000                           
##    .english3          0.000                           
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .read1            23.986    2.918    8.220    0.000
##    .list1            14.093    2.060    6.841    0.000
##    .speak1            8.241    1.037    7.945    0.000
##    .write1            5.534    0.944    5.864    0.000
##    .read2            19.614    2.384    8.228    0.000
##    .list2            20.410    2.607    7.830    0.000
##    .speak2            7.290    0.904    8.064    0.000
##    .write2            6.399    0.960    6.668    0.000
##    .read3            16.424    2.059    7.978    0.000
##    .list3            12.798    1.821    7.029    0.000
##    .speak3            7.018    0.880    7.971    0.000
##    .write3            5.524    0.870    6.346    0.000
##    .english1          1.501    1.340    1.120    0.263
##    .english2         -0.106    0.635   -0.167    0.868
##    .english3          0.320    1.199    0.267    0.790
##     interc           17.577    3.307    5.314    0.000
##     slope             0.304    0.623    0.488    0.625

Example: Shifting Indicators

Note that we can use the NA label to free the first loading.

si.model <- '

# first-order latent factors

english1 =~ read1 + a*list1
english2 =~ NA*list2 + a*list2 + b*speak2
english3 =~ NA*speak3 + b*speak3 + write3

# second-order growth factors 

interc =~ 1*english1 + 1*english2 + 1*english3
slope =~ 0*english1 + 1*english2 + 2*english3

# second-order factor covariances and intercept

interc ~~ slope
interc ~ 1
slope ~ 1

# residual covariances
list1 ~~ list2
speak2 ~~ speak3

# fix zero intercepts
read1 ~ 0*1

# equality constraints on the intercepts

list1 ~ d*1
list2 ~ d*1

speak2 ~ e*1
speak3 ~ e*1
write3 ~ 1

' <- sem(si.model,
summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 157 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        26
##   Number of equality constraints                     4
##   Number of observations                           170
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                25.370
##   Degrees of freedom                                 5
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               582.446
##   Degrees of freedom                                15
##   P-value                                        0.000
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.964
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.892
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2794.776
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2782.091
##   Akaike (AIC)                                5633.551
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              5702.539
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)       5632.879
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.155
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.098
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.217
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.002
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.983
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.040
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   english1 =~                                         
##     read1             1.000                           
##     list1      (a)    1.250    0.167    7.466    0.000
##   english2 =~                                         
##     list2      (a)    1.250    0.167    7.466    0.000
##     speak2     (b)    0.852    0.138    6.164    0.000
##   english3 =~                                         
##     speak3     (b)    0.852    0.138    6.164    0.000
##     write3            1.039    0.182    5.696    0.000
##   interc =~                                           
##     english1          1.000                           
##     english2          1.000                           
##     english3          1.000                           
##   slope =~                                            
##     english1          0.000                           
##     english2          1.000                           
##     english3          2.000                           
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   interc ~~                                           
##     slope            -1.271    0.979   -1.298    0.194
##  .list1 ~~                                            
##    .list2             5.139    1.966    2.614    0.009
##  .speak2 ~~                                           
##    .speak3            3.482    0.815    4.271    0.000
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     interc           17.397    0.491   35.416    0.000
##     slope             0.678    0.197    3.441    0.001
##    .read1             0.000                           
##    .list1      (d)   -5.096    2.964   -1.719    0.086
##    .list2      (d)   -5.096    2.964   -1.719    0.086
##    .speak2     (e)    3.296    2.463    1.339    0.181
##    .speak3     (e)    3.296    2.463    1.339    0.181
##    .write3            0.606    3.311    0.183    0.855
##    .english1          0.000                           
##    .english2          0.000                           
##    .english3          0.000                           
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .read1            25.033    3.186    7.857    0.000
##    .list1            11.701    2.778    4.212    0.000
##    .list2            19.766    2.763    7.154    0.000
##    .speak2            5.809    0.976    5.951    0.000
##    .speak3            6.226    0.893    6.973    0.000
##    .write3            5.955    1.090    5.465    0.000
##    .english1          1.989    2.136    0.931    0.352
##    .english2          0.628    0.997    0.630    0.529
##    .english3         -0.814    1.506   -0.540    0.589
##     interc           14.155    4.020    3.521    0.000
##     slope             0.432    0.779    0.555    0.579

Example: LGM with ordinal data

Assume we want to fit a linear LGM with ordinal data collected at four equally spaced time points. The data is saved in a txt file named “categorical_data.txt” in your course materials.

Read the data

setwd(mypath)  # set working directory to where the data file is stored <- read.table("categorical_data.txt", header = F)
colnames( <- c("y1", "y2", "y3", "y4") <- apply(, 2, ordered)

##  chr [1:369, 1:4] "0" "0" "1" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : NULL
##   ..$ : chr [1:4] "y1" "y2" "y3" "y4"
##       y1                 y2                 y3           
##  Length:369         Length:369         Length:369        
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##       y4           
##  Length:369        
##  Class :character  
##  Mode  :character

Fit the model

We define our model using the following model syntax. Some notes for this model syntax:

  1. We fix the latent intercept mean to be zero;
  2. We use the “|” operator to define the thresholds of the endogenous categorical variables: y1-y4. The thresholds are named “t1” and “t2” by convention and they are listed on the right side of the formulas. We give them parameter labels to impose the equality constraints.

When calling up the fitting function, we use the ordered = argument to specify the categorical variables. We can also request theta parameterization using the parameterization = argument.

cat.lgm <- '

# growth latent factors

interc =~ 1*y1 + 1*y2 + 1*y3 + 1*y4
slope =~ 0*y1 + 1*y2 + 2*y3 + 3*y4

# means of latent factors

interc ~ 0*1
slope ~ 1

# Equality constraints on the threshold
y1 | a*t1 + b*t2
y2 | a*t1 + b*t2
y3 | a*t1 + b*t2
y4 | a*t1 + b*t2

# variances

y1 ~~ 1*y1
y2 ~~ y2
y3 ~~ y3
y4 ~~ y4

' <- sem(cat.lgm,, ordered = c("y1","y2","y3","y4"), parameterization = "theta")

summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 61 iterations
##   Estimator                                       DWLS
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        15
##   Number of equality constraints                     6
##   Number of observations                           369
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Scaled
##   Test Statistic                                 2.355       4.948
##   Degrees of freedom                                 5           5
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.798       0.422
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.530
##   Shift parameter                                            0.507
##     simple second-order correction                                
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               680.838     502.371
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6           6
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.360
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000       1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.005       1.000
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                            NA
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                               NA
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000       0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000       0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.046       0.072
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.961       0.806
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.003       0.026
##   Robust RMSEA                                                  NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                        NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                        NA
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA <= 0.050                            NA
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA >= 0.080                            NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.033       0.033
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                           Robust.sem
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   interc =~                                           
##     y1                1.000                           
##     y2                1.000                           
##     y3                1.000                           
##     y4                1.000                           
##   slope =~                                            
##     y1                0.000                           
##     y2                1.000                           
##     y3                2.000                           
##     y4                3.000                           
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   interc ~~                                           
##     slope            -0.311    0.301   -1.031    0.302
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     interc            0.000                           
##     slope             0.441    0.199    2.214    0.027
##    .y1                0.000                           
##    .y2                0.000                           
##    .y3                0.000                           
##    .y4                0.000                           
## Thresholds:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     y1|t1      (a)    3.028    0.587    5.160    0.000
##     y1|t2      (b)    3.773    0.695    5.428    0.000
##     y2|t1      (a)    3.028    0.587    5.160    0.000
##     y2|t2      (b)    3.773    0.695    5.428    0.000
##     y3|t1      (a)    3.028    0.587    5.160    0.000
##     y3|t2      (b)    3.773    0.695    5.428    0.000
##     y4|t1      (a)    3.028    0.587    5.160    0.000
##     y4|t2      (b)    3.773    0.695    5.428    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .y1                1.000                           
##    .y2                0.511    0.257    1.994    0.046
##    .y3                0.804    0.405    1.987    0.047
##    .y4                0.574    0.382    1.502    0.133
##     interc            2.941    1.382    2.128    0.033
##     slope             0.090    0.096    0.935    0.350
## Scales y*:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     y1                0.504                           
##     y2                0.585                           
##     y3                0.591                           
##     y4                0.638

Example: LGM with distal categorical outcome

Read the data

setwd(mypath)  # set working directory to where the data file is stored

dat <- read.table("distal_data.csv", sep = ",", header = F)
colnames(dat) <- c(paste0("math", 7:10), "dropout")

dat$dropout <- ordered(dat$dropout)

## 'data.frame':    1994 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ math7  : num  62 61.2 59.4 54.6 62 ...
##  $ math8  : num  62.3 60.3 54.8 51.2 61 ...
##  $ math9  : num  69 64.4 59.4 64.1 62.4 ...
##  $ math10 : num  68.4 65.3 63 62.3 61.5 ...
##  $ dropout: Ord.factor w/ 2 levels "0"<"1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
##      math7           math8           math9           math10      dropout 
##  Min.   :28.19   Min.   :23.85   Min.   :28.61   Min.   :28.16   0:1608  
##  1st Qu.:45.49   1st Qu.:48.42   1st Qu.:51.08   1st Qu.:53.29   1: 386  
##  Median :53.15   Median :55.75   Median :59.31   Median :62.88           
##  Mean   :52.20   Mean   :54.80   Mean   :58.60   Mean   :61.42           
##  3rd Qu.:59.62   3rd Qu.:61.79   3rd Qu.:66.77   3rd Qu.:69.95           
##  Max.   :83.97   Max.   :84.17   Max.   :88.88   Max.   :93.96

Fit the model

distal.model <- '

interc =~ 1*math7 + 1*math8 + 1*math9 + 1*math10
slope =~ 0*math7 + 1*math8 + 2*math9 + 3*math10

interc ~ 1
slope ~ 1

math7 ~ 0*1
math8 ~ 0*1
math9 ~ 0*1
math10 ~ 0*1

dropout ~ interc + slope

' <- sem(distal.model, dat, ordered = c("dropout"), parameterization = "delta")

summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 104 iterations
##   Estimator                                       DWLS
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        12
##   Number of observations                          1994
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Scaled
##   Test Statistic                                 5.459      37.170
##   Degrees of freedom                                 7           7
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.604       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.149
##   Shift parameter                                            0.597
##     simple second-order correction                                
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                              3977.646    1996.833
##   Degrees of freedom                                10          10
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.997
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000       0.985
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.001       0.978
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                            NA
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                               NA
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000       0.047
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000       0.032
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.024       0.062
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    1.000       0.622
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.000       0.000
##   Robust RMSEA                                                  NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                        NA
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                        NA
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA <= 0.050                            NA
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA >= 0.080                            NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.008       0.008
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                           Robust.sem
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model        Unstructured
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   interc =~                                           
##     math7             1.000                           
##     math8             1.000                           
##     math9             1.000                           
##     math10            1.000                           
##   slope =~                                            
##     math7             0.000                           
##     math8             1.000                           
##     math9             2.000                           
##     math10            3.000                           
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   dropout ~                                           
##     interc            0.002    0.006    0.273    0.785
##     slope            -0.040    0.049   -0.816    0.414
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   interc ~~                                           
##     slope             4.850    0.881    5.505    0.000
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     interc           52.042    0.211  246.670    0.000
##     slope             3.139    0.062   50.970    0.000
##    .math7             0.000                           
##    .math8             0.000                           
##    .math9             0.000                           
##    .math10            0.000                           
##    .dropout           0.000                           
## Thresholds:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     dropout|t1        0.819    0.212    3.868    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .math7            17.257    2.006    8.604    0.000
##    .math8            12.314    1.552    7.936    0.000
##    .math9            20.216    1.995   10.135    0.000
##    .math10           36.533    3.006   12.152    0.000
##    .dropout           0.997                           
##     interc           76.279    3.175   24.028    0.000
##     slope             2.168    0.420    5.156    0.000
## Scales y*:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     dropout           1.000

Example: Latent Change Score Models

Read the data

setwd(mypath)  # set working directory to where the data file is stored

dat <- read.table("Read-Data-Mplus.dat", sep = "\t", header = F, na.strings = "-99")

colnames(dat) <-c('id', 'gen', 'momage', 'homecog', 'homeemo', paste0('an', 1:4), paste0('r', 1:4), paste0('ag', 1:4))

## 'data.frame':    405 obs. of  17 variables:
##  $ id     : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ gen    : int  1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ momage : int  27 27 27 24 26 25 22 23 24 28 ...
##  $ homecog: int  7 10 7 8 8 6 5 1 3 9 ...
##  $ homeemo: int  11 7 7 8 8 11 5 4 7 11 ...
##  $ an1    : int  1 1 5 1 2 1 3 0 5 2 ...
##  $ an2    : int  0 1 0 1 3 0 NA NA 3 3 ...
##  $ an3    : int  1 0 5 NA 3 0 0 0 2 6 ...
##  $ an4    : int  0 1 3 NA 1 0 10 4 0 5 ...
##  $ r1     : int  27 31 36 18 23 21 21 13 29 45 ...
##  $ r2     : int  49 47 52 30 49 NA NA NA NA 58 ...
##  $ r3     : int  50 56 60 NA NA 45 48 37 35 76 ...
##  $ r4     : int  NA 64 75 NA 77 53 NA NA 38 80 ...
##  $ ag1    : int  6 7 8 7 6 6 7 6 8 8 ...
##  $ ag2    : int  9 10 11 10 9 9 NA NA 10 10 ...
##  $ ag3    : int  11 12 13 NA 11 11 11 10 12 12 ...
##  $ ag4    : int  13 14 14 NA 13 13 13 12 14 15 ...
##        id           gen             momage         homecog      
##  Min.   :  1   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :21.00   Min.   : 1.000  
##  1st Qu.:102   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:24.00   1st Qu.: 7.000  
##  Median :203   Median :1.0000   Median :26.00   Median : 9.000  
##  Mean   :203   Mean   :0.5012   Mean   :25.53   Mean   : 8.894  
##  3rd Qu.:304   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:27.00   3rd Qu.:11.000  
##  Max.   :405   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :29.00   Max.   :14.000  
##     homeemo            an1             an2              an3        
##  Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :0.000   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   : 0.000  
##  1st Qu.: 8.000   1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.: 0.000  
##  Median :10.000   Median :1.000   Median : 1.500   Median : 1.000  
##  Mean   : 9.205   Mean   :1.662   Mean   : 2.027   Mean   : 1.828  
##  3rd Qu.:11.000   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.: 3.000   3rd Qu.: 3.000  
##  Max.   :13.000   Max.   :9.000   Max.   :10.000   Max.   :10.000  
##                                   NA's   :31       NA's   :108     
##       an4               r1              r2              r3       
##  Min.   : 0.000   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :16.00   Min.   :22.00  
##  1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.:18.00   1st Qu.:33.00   1st Qu.:42.00  
##  Median : 1.500   Median :23.00   Median :41.00   Median :50.00  
##  Mean   : 2.061   Mean   :25.23   Mean   :40.76   Mean   :50.05  
##  3rd Qu.: 3.000   3rd Qu.:30.00   3rd Qu.:49.00   3rd Qu.:58.00  
##  Max.   :10.000   Max.   :72.00   Max.   :82.00   Max.   :84.00  
##  NA's   :111                      NA's   :30      NA's   :130    
##        r4             ag1             ag2              ag3       
##  Min.   :25.00   Min.   :6.000   Min.   : 8.000   Min.   :10.00  
##  1st Qu.:49.25   1st Qu.:6.000   1st Qu.: 9.000   1st Qu.:11.00  
##  Median :58.00   Median :7.000   Median : 9.000   Median :11.00  
##  Mean   :57.74   Mean   :6.983   Mean   : 9.353   Mean   :11.43  
##  3rd Qu.:66.75   3rd Qu.:8.000   3rd Qu.:10.000   3rd Qu.:12.00  
##  Max.   :83.00   Max.   :8.000   Max.   :11.000   Max.   :13.00  
##  NA's   :135                     NA's   :31       NA's   :108    
##       ag4      
##  Min.   :12.0  
##  1st Qu.:13.0  
##  Median :13.0  
##  Mean   :13.3  
##  3rd Qu.:14.0  
##  Max.   :15.0  
##  NA's   :111

Constant Change

cc.model <- '

F1 =~ an1
F2 =~ an2
F3 =~ an3 
F4 =~ an4

# error variance
an1 ~~ theta*an1 
an2 ~~ theta*an2
an3 ~~ theta*an3 
an4 ~~ theta*an4 

DF12 =~ 1*F2
DF23 =~ 1*F3
DF34 =~ 1*F4
# constant latent change 
DELTA =~ 1*DF12 + 1*DF23 + 1*DF34
F1 ~~ F1 

F2 ~~ 0*F2
F3 ~~ 0*F3
F4 ~~ 0*F4

DF12 ~~ 0*DF12 
DF23 ~~ 0*DF23
DF34 ~~ 0*DF34


F2 ~ 1*F1
F3 ~ 1*F2
F4 ~ 1*F3

F1 ~ 1

F2 ~ 0*1
F3 ~ 0*1
F4 ~ 0*1

DF12 ~ 0*1 
DF23 ~ 0*1
DF34 ~ 0*1

an1 ~ 0*1 
an2 ~ 0*1
an3 ~ 0*1 
an4 ~ 0*1 

' <- sem(cc.model, dat, estimator = "MLR", missing = "fiml")

summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 18 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                         9
##   Number of equality constraints                     3
##   Number of observations                           405
##   Number of missing patterns                         8
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Scaled
##   Test Statistic                                19.923      14.891
##   Degrees of freedom                                 8           8
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.011       0.061
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.338
##     Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)                       
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               366.752     254.284
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6           6
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.442
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.967       0.972
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.975       0.979
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.984
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.988
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2655.038   -2655.038
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.956
##       for the MLR correction                                      
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2645.076   -2645.076
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.379
##       for the MLR correction                                      
##   Akaike (AIC)                                5322.075    5322.075
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              5346.098    5346.098
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)       5327.060    5327.060
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.061       0.046
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.027       0.009
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.095       0.077
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.261       0.537
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.192       0.035
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.051
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                     0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                     0.103
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA <= 0.050                         0.427
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA >= 0.080                         0.210
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.074       0.074
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Sandwich
##   Information bread                           Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F1 =~                                               
##     an1               1.000                           
##   F2 =~                                               
##     an2               1.000                           
##   F3 =~                                               
##     an3               1.000                           
##   F4 =~                                               
##     an4               1.000                           
##   DF12 =~                                             
##     F2                1.000                           
##   DF23 =~                                             
##     F3                1.000                           
##   DF34 =~                                             
##     F4                1.000                           
##   DELTA =~                                            
##     DF12              1.000                           
##     DF23              1.000                           
##     DF34              1.000                           
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F2 ~                                                
##     F1                1.000                           
##   F3 ~                                                
##     F2                1.000                           
##   F4 ~                                                
##     F3                1.000                           
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F1 ~~                                               
##     DELTA             0.196    0.082    2.383    0.017
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     F1                1.715    0.079   21.758    0.000
##     DELTA             0.151    0.039    3.845    0.000
##    .F2                0.000                           
##    .F3                0.000                           
##    .F4                0.000                           
##    .DF12              0.000                           
##    .DF23              0.000                           
##    .DF34              0.000                           
##    .an1               0.000                           
##    .an2               0.000                           
##    .an3               0.000                           
##    .an4               0.000                           
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .an1     (thet)    1.740    0.146   11.882    0.000
##    .an2     (thet)    1.740    0.146   11.882    0.000
##    .an3     (thet)    1.740    0.146   11.882    0.000
##    .an4     (thet)    1.740    0.146   11.882    0.000
##     F1                1.242    0.242    5.144    0.000
##     DELTA             0.103    0.052    2.002    0.045
##    .F2                0.000                           
##    .F3                0.000                           
##    .F4                0.000                           
##    .DF12              0.000                           
##    .DF23              0.000                           
##    .DF34              0.000

Dual Change

dc.model <- '

F1 =~ an1
F2 =~ an2
F3 =~ an3 
F4 =~ an4

# error variance
an1 ~~ theta*an1 
an2 ~~ theta*an2
an3 ~~ theta*an3 
an4 ~~ theta*an4 

# dual change
DF12 =~ 1*F2
DF23 =~ 1*F3
DF34 =~ 1*F4

DF12 ~ b*F1
DF23 ~ b*F2
DF34 ~ b*F3    

DELTA =~ 1*DF12 + 1*DF23 + 1*DF34
F1 ~~ F1 

F2 ~~ 0*F2
F3 ~~ 0*F3
F4 ~~ 0*F4

DF12 ~~ 0*DF12 
DF23 ~~ 0*DF23
DF34 ~~ 0*DF34


F2 ~ 1*F1
F3 ~ 1*F2
F4 ~ 1*F3

F1 ~ 1

F2 ~ 0*1
F3 ~ 0*1
F4 ~ 0*1

DF12 ~ 0*1 
DF23 ~ 0*1
DF34 ~ 0*1

an1 ~ 0*1 
an2 ~ 0*1
an3 ~ 0*1 
an4 ~ 0*1 

' <- sem(dc.model, dat, estimator = "MLR", missing = "fiml")

summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 35 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                        12
##   Number of equality constraints                     5
##   Number of observations                           405
##   Number of missing patterns                         8
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Scaled
##   Test Statistic                                12.181      11.959
##   Degrees of freedom                                 7           7
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.095       0.102
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.019
##     Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)                       
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               366.752     254.284
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6           6
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.442
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.986       0.980
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.988       0.983
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.989
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.991
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2651.166   -2651.166
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.015
##       for the MLR correction                                      
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2645.076   -2645.076
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.379
##       for the MLR correction                                      
##   Akaike (AIC)                                5316.333    5316.333
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              5344.360    5344.360
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)       5322.148    5322.148
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.043       0.042
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000       0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.082       0.081
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.565       0.581
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.060       0.054
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.044
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                     0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                     0.101
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA <= 0.050                         0.499
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA >= 0.080                         0.174
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.062       0.062
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Sandwich
##   Information bread                           Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F1 =~                                               
##     an1               1.000                           
##   F2 =~                                               
##     an2               1.000                           
##   F3 =~                                               
##     an3               1.000                           
##   F4 =~                                               
##     an4               1.000                           
##   DF12 =~                                             
##     F2                1.000                           
##   DF23 =~                                             
##     F3                1.000                           
##   DF34 =~                                             
##     F4                1.000                           
##   DELTA =~                                            
##     DF12              1.000                           
##     DF23              1.000                           
##     DF34              1.000                           
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   DF12 ~                                              
##     F1         (b)   -0.670    0.337   -1.988    0.047
##   DF23 ~                                              
##     F2         (b)   -0.670    0.337   -1.988    0.047
##   DF34 ~                                              
##     F3         (b)   -0.670    0.337   -1.988    0.047
##   F2 ~                                                
##     F1                1.000                           
##   F3 ~                                                
##     F2                1.000                           
##   F4 ~                                                
##     F3                1.000                           
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F1 ~~                                               
##     DELTA             1.050    0.450    2.336    0.019
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     F1                1.665    0.082   20.233    0.000
##     DELTA             1.406    0.635    2.213    0.027
##    .F2                0.000                           
##    .F3                0.000                           
##    .F4                0.000                           
##    .DF12              0.000                           
##    .DF23              0.000                           
##    .DF34              0.000                           
##    .an1               0.000                           
##    .an2               0.000                           
##    .an3               0.000                           
##    .an4               0.000                           
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .an1     (thet)    1.720    0.160   10.736    0.000
##    .an2     (thet)    1.720    0.160   10.736    0.000
##    .an3     (thet)    1.720    0.160   10.736    0.000
##    .an4     (thet)    1.720    0.160   10.736    0.000
##     F1                1.068    0.297    3.600    0.000
##     DELTA             1.337    1.039    1.287    0.198
##    .F2                0.000                           
##    .F3                0.000                           
##    .F4                0.000                           
##    .DF12              0.000                           
##    .DF23              0.000                           
##    .DF34              0.000

Proportional Change

pc.model <- '

F1 =~ an1
F2 =~ an2
F3 =~ an3 
F4 =~ an4

# error variance
an1 ~~ theta*an1 
an2 ~~ theta*an2
an3 ~~ theta*an3 
an4 ~~ theta*an4 

DF12 =~ 1*F2
DF23 =~ 1*F3
DF34 =~ 1*F4

F1 ~~ F1 
F2 ~~ 0*F2
F3 ~~ 0*F3
F4 ~~ 0*F4

DF12 ~~ 0*DF12 
DF23 ~~ 0*DF23
DF34 ~~ 0*DF34

F2 ~ 1*F1
F3 ~ 1*F2
F4 ~ 1*F3

DF12 ~ b*F1
DF23 ~ b*F2
DF34 ~ b*F3  

F1 ~ 1
F2 ~ 0*1
F3 ~ 0*1
F4 ~ 0*1

DF12 ~~ 0*DF23 + 0*DF34
DF23 ~~ 0*DF34

DF12 ~ 0*1 
DF23 ~ 0*1
DF34 ~ 0*1

an1 ~ 0*1 
an2 ~ 0*1
an3 ~ 0*1 
an4 ~ 0*1 

' <- sem(pc.model, dat, estimator = "MLR", missing = "fiml")

summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 13 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                         9
##   Number of equality constraints                     5
##   Number of observations                           405
##   Number of missing patterns                         8
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Scaled
##   Test Statistic                                31.248      24.540
##   Degrees of freedom                                10          10
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.001       0.006
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.273
##     Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)                       
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               366.752     254.284
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6           6
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.442
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.941       0.941
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.965       0.965
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.961
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.976
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2660.700   -2660.700
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.730
##       for the MLR correction                                      
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2645.076   -2645.076
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.379
##       for the MLR correction                                      
##   Akaike (AIC)                                5329.400    5329.400
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              5345.415    5345.415
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)       5332.723    5332.723
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.072       0.060
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.045       0.034
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.102       0.087
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.088       0.242
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.364       0.116
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.071
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                     0.028
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                     0.113
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA <= 0.050                         0.175
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA >= 0.080                         0.406
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.096       0.096
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Sandwich
##   Information bread                           Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F1 =~                                               
##     an1               1.000                           
##   F2 =~                                               
##     an2               1.000                           
##   F3 =~                                               
##     an3               1.000                           
##   F4 =~                                               
##     an4               1.000                           
##   DF12 =~                                             
##     F2                1.000                           
##   DF23 =~                                             
##     F3                1.000                           
##   DF34 =~                                             
##     F4                1.000                           
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F2 ~                                                
##     F1                1.000                           
##   F3 ~                                                
##     F2                1.000                           
##   F4 ~                                                
##     F3                1.000                           
##   DF12 ~                                              
##     F1         (b)    0.107    0.022    4.853    0.000
##   DF23 ~                                              
##     F2         (b)    0.107    0.022    4.853    0.000
##   DF34 ~                                              
##     F3         (b)    0.107    0.022    4.853    0.000
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##  .DF12 ~~                                             
##    .DF23              0.000                           
##    .DF34              0.000                           
##  .DF23 ~~                                             
##    .DF34              0.000                           
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     F1                1.657    0.080   20.769    0.000
##    .F2                0.000                           
##    .F3                0.000                           
##    .F4                0.000                           
##    .DF12              0.000                           
##    .DF23              0.000                           
##    .DF34              0.000                           
##    .an1               0.000                           
##    .an2               0.000                           
##    .an3               0.000                           
##    .an4               0.000                           
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .an1     (thet)    1.834    0.121   15.182    0.000
##    .an2     (thet)    1.834    0.121   15.182    0.000
##    .an3     (thet)    1.834    0.121   15.182    0.000
##    .an4     (thet)    1.834    0.121   15.182    0.000
##     F1                1.452    0.186    7.809    0.000
##    .F2                0.000                           
##    .F3                0.000                           
##    .F4                0.000                           
##    .DF12              0.000                           
##    .DF23              0.000                           
##    .DF34              0.000

Not Modeling Change Score

nc.model <- '

F1 =~ an1
F2 =~ an2
F3 =~ an3 
F4 =~ an4

# error variance
an1 ~~ theta*an1 
an2 ~~ theta*an2
an3 ~~ theta*an3 
an4 ~~ theta*an4 

# no change score
DF12 =~ 1*F2
DF23 =~ 1*F3
DF34 =~ 1*F4

F1 ~~ F1 
F2 ~~ 0*F2
F3 ~~ 0*F3
F4 ~~ 0*F4

DF12 ~~ 0*DF12 
DF23 ~~ 0*DF23
DF34 ~~ 0*DF34

F2 ~ 1*F1
F3 ~ 1*F2
F4 ~ 1*F3

F1 ~ 1
F2 ~ 0*1
F3 ~ 0*1
F4 ~ 0*1

F1 ~~ 0*DF12 + 0*DF23 + 0*DF34
DF12 ~~ 0*DF23 + 0*DF34
DF23 ~~ 0*DF34

DF12 ~ 0*1 
DF23 ~ 0*1
DF34 ~ 0*1

an1 ~ 0*1 
an2 ~ 0*1
an3 ~ 0*1 
an4 ~ 0*1 

' <- sem(nc.model, dat, estimator = "MLR", missing = "fiml")

summary(, fit.measures = T)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 13 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                         6
##   Number of equality constraints                     3
##   Number of observations                           405
##   Number of missing patterns                         8
## Model Test User Model:
##                                               Standard      Scaled
##   Test Statistic                                74.087      57.621
##   Degrees of freedom                                11          11
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.286
##     Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)                       
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                               366.752     254.284
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6           6
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.442
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.825       0.812
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.905       0.898
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.846
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.916
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2682.119   -2682.119
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.861
##       for the MLR correction                                      
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2645.076   -2645.076
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.379
##       for the MLR correction                                      
##   Akaike (AIC)                                5370.239    5370.239
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              5382.251    5382.251
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)       5372.731    5372.731
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.119       0.102
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.094       0.080
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.145       0.126
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.000       0.000
##   P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.994       0.950
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.135
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower                     0.100
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper                     0.171
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA <= 0.050                         0.000
##   P-value H_0: Robust RMSEA >= 0.080                         0.995
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.160       0.160
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Sandwich
##   Information bread                           Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F1 =~                                               
##     an1               1.000                           
##   F2 =~                                               
##     an2               1.000                           
##   F3 =~                                               
##     an3               1.000                           
##   F4 =~                                               
##     an4               1.000                           
##   DF12 =~                                             
##     F2                1.000                           
##   DF23 =~                                             
##     F3                1.000                           
##   DF34 =~                                             
##     F4                1.000                           
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F2 ~                                                
##     F1                1.000                           
##   F3 ~                                                
##     F2                1.000                           
##   F4 ~                                                
##     F3                1.000                           
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   F1 ~~                                               
##     DF12              0.000                           
##     DF23              0.000                           
##     DF34              0.000                           
##   DF12 ~~                                             
##     DF23              0.000                           
##     DF34              0.000                           
##   DF23 ~~                                             
##     DF34              0.000                           
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     F1                1.895    0.077   24.481    0.000
##    .F2                0.000                           
##    .F3                0.000                           
##    .F4                0.000                           
##     DF12              0.000                           
##     DF23              0.000                           
##     DF34              0.000                           
##    .an1               0.000                           
##    .an2               0.000                           
##    .an3               0.000                           
##    .an4               0.000                           
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .an1     (thet)    1.945    0.136   14.328    0.000
##    .an2     (thet)    1.945    0.136   14.328    0.000
##    .an3     (thet)    1.945    0.136   14.328    0.000
##    .an4     (thet)    1.945    0.136   14.328    0.000
##     F1                1.804    0.226    7.985    0.000
##    .F2                0.000                           
##    .F3                0.000                           
##    .F4                0.000                           
##     DF12              0.000                           
##     DF23              0.000                           
##     DF34              0.000

Example: Growth Mixture Models

The current version of lavaan (v0.6-8) does not support mixture models yet. To do growth mixture models in R, we could use the OpenMx package instead. More information about how to use OpenMx can be found here.

Read the data

setwd(mypath)  # set working directory to where the data file is stored <- readr::read_fwf("mixture_data.txt", fwf_empty("mixture_data.txt", col_names = c('TALC1YR1', 'TALC1YR2', 'TALC1YR3', 'PROB5', 'TAGE1', 'TGENDER1')), na = "-99.00")

## spc_tbl_ [466 × 6] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##  $ TALC1YR1: num [1:466] 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 ...
##  $ TALC1YR2: num [1:466] 2 2 4 3 2 NA 2 3 5 2 ...
##  $ TALC1YR3: num [1:466] 1 6 5 5 6 6 7 6 6 7 ...
##  $ PROB5   : num [1:466] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...
##  $ TAGE1   : num [1:466] 16 13 13 14 14 14 13 15 15 17 ...
##  $ TGENDER1: num [1:466] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ...
##  - attr(*, "spec")=
##   .. cols(
##   ..   TALC1YR1 = col_double(),
##   ..   TALC1YR2 = col_double(),
##   ..   TALC1YR3 = col_double(),
##   ..   PROB5 = col_double(),
##   ..   TAGE1 = col_double(),
##   ..   TGENDER1 = col_double()
##   .. )
##  - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr>
##     TALC1YR1        TALC1YR2        TALC1YR3         PROB5       
##  Min.   :1.000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:2.000   1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.:5.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :3.000   Median :5.000   Median :6.000   Median :0.0000  
##  Mean   :3.665   Mean   :4.709   Mean   :5.524   Mean   :0.2124  
##  3rd Qu.:5.000   3rd Qu.:6.000   3rd Qu.:7.000   3rd Qu.:0.0000  
##  Max.   :8.000   Max.   :9.000   Max.   :9.000   Max.   :1.0000  
##                  NA's   :26      NA's   :25                      
##      TAGE1          TGENDER1     
##  Min.   :11.00   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:14.00   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :16.00   Median :0.0000  
##  Mean   :15.43   Mean   :0.4077  
##  3rd Qu.:17.00   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##  Max.   :17.00   Max.   :1.0000  

Fit the model

To fit a growth mixture model using OpenMx, we need to specify class-specific models. Let’s start with the model for Class 1. In this example we specify the model using the path method via the mxPath function.

# residual variances
resVars <- mxPath(from = c('TALC1YR1', 'TALC1YR2', 'TALC1YR3'), arrows = 2,
                        free = TRUE, values = c(1,1,1),
                        labels = c("residual1","residual2","residual3") )

# latent variances and covariance
latVars <- mxPath(from = c("intercept", "slope"), arrows = 2, connect = "unique.pairs",
                        free = TRUE, values=c(1, .4, 1), labels = c("var_int", "cov_is", "var_slp") )

# intercept loadings
intLoads <- mxPath(from = "intercept", to = c('TALC1YR1', 'TALC1YR2', 'TALC1YR3'), 
                   arrows = 1, free = FALSE, values = c(1,1,1) )

# slope loadings
slpLoads <- mxPath(from = "slope", to = c('TALC1YR1', 'TALC1YR2', 'TALC1YR3'), arrows = 1,
                        free = FALSE, values = c(0,1,2))
# manifest means
manMeans <- mxPath(from = "one", to = c('TALC1YR1', 'TALC1YR2', 'TALC1YR3'), arrows = 1,
                        free = FALSE, values = c(0,0,0))

# latent means
latMeans <- mxPath(from="one", to = c("intercept", "slope"), arrows = 1,
                        free = TRUE, values = c(5, 0), labels = c("mean_int1", "mean_slp1"))

# enable the likelihood vector
funML <- mxFitFunctionML(vector=TRUE)
class1 <- mxModel("Class1", type = "RAM",
                        manifestVars = c('TALC1YR1', 'TALC1YR2', 'TALC1YR3'),
                        latentVars = c("intercept", "slope"),
                        resVars, latVars, intLoads, slpLoads, manMeans, latMeans,

We can specify the model for Class 2 and Class 3 next. As we only allow the latent means to differ across different classes, we can simplify the code by modifying the class1 object, instead of repeating everything above again.

# latent means differ
latMeans2 <- mxPath(from = "one", to = c("intercept", "slope"), arrows = 1,
                        free = TRUE, values = c(4, 0), labels = c("mean_int2", "mean_slp2"))
class2 <- mxModel(class1, name = "Class2", latMeans2)

latMeans3 <- mxPath(from = "one", to = c("intercept", "slope"), arrows = 1,
                        free = TRUE, values = c(2, 1), labels = c("mean_int3", "mean_slp3"))
class3 <- mxModel(class1, name = "Class3", latMeans3)

Next we fit the model to the data.

# specify the class proportions
classP <- mxMatrix(type = "Full", nrow = 3, ncol = 1,
                        free = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), values = 1, lbound = 0.001,
                        labels = c("p1", "p2", "p3"), name = "Props" )

# Specify the mixture model, with individual likelihood requested
mixExp <- mxExpectationMixture(components = c('Class1', 'Class2', 'Class3'), weights = 'Props', scale = 'sum')
fit <- mxFitFunctionML()

# Specify raw data
dataRaw <- mxData(, type="raw")

# Put them all together
gmm <- mxModel("Growth Mixture Model",
                        class1, class2, class3, classP, mixExp, fit, dataRaw)

# Run the model
gmmFit <- mxRun(gmm, suppressWarnings = TRUE)
## Running Growth Mixture Model with 14 parameters

Check the results (note that the results may depend heavily on the starting value; so it is recommended to run the model with multiple starting values.)

## Summary of Growth Mixture Model 
## free parameters:
##         name   matrix       row       col   Estimate  Std.Error A lbound
## 1         p1    Props         1         1  0.6025157 0.08287281    0.001
## 2         p2    Props         2         1  0.2998648 0.04972634    0.001
## 3  residual1 Class1.S  TALC1YR1  TALC1YR1  0.6655948 0.20136582         
## 4  residual2 Class1.S  TALC1YR2  TALC1YR2  2.3037195 0.17084577         
## 5  residual3 Class1.S  TALC1YR3  TALC1YR3  0.1483959 0.16777658         
## 6    var_int Class1.S intercept intercept  0.4316945 0.19734383         
## 7     cov_is Class1.S intercept     slope -0.1584045 0.10385332         
## 8    var_slp Class1.S     slope     slope  0.2429209 0.07891560         
## 9  mean_int1 Class1.M         1 intercept  5.5799572 0.11475964         
## 10 mean_slp1 Class1.M         1     slope  0.4316336 0.06457702         
## 11 mean_int2 Class2.M         1 intercept  4.0081868 0.13200825         
## 12 mean_slp2 Class2.M         1     slope -0.7183990 0.10298722         
## 13 mean_int3 Class3.M         1 intercept  2.4392891 0.09080534         
## 14 mean_slp3 Class3.M         1     slope  1.7049538 0.05997288         
##    ubound
## 1        
## 2        
## 3        
## 4        
## 5        
## 6        
## 7        
## 8        
## 9        
## 10       
## 11       
## 12       
## 13       
## 14       
## Model Statistics: 
##                |  Parameters  |  Degrees of Freedom  |  Fit (-2lnL units)
##        Model:             14                   4027              4938.904
##    Saturated:             NA                     NA                    NA
## Independence:             NA                     NA                    NA
## Number of observations/statistics: 466/4041
## Information Criteria: 
##       |  df Penalty  |  Parameters Penalty  |  Sample-Size Adjusted
## AIC:      -3115.096               4966.904                 4967.835
## BIC:     -19803.732               5024.923                 4980.490
## CFI: NA 
## TLI: 1   (also known as NNFI) 
## RMSEA:  0  [95% CI (NA, NA)]
## Prob(RMSEA <= 0.05): NA
## To get additional fit indices, see help(mxRefModels)
## timestamp: 2023-12-22 11:54:00 
## Wall clock time: 0.4882741 secs 
## optimizer:  SLSQP 
## OpenMx version number: 2.21.8 
## Need help?  See help(mxSummary)

© Copyright 2024 @Yi Feng and @Gregory R. Hancock.