In this tutorial, we are going to use lavaan and simsem for SEM power analysis based on Monte Carlo methods.

Load the pacakges


Example: Power for LGM

In this example, we would like to conduct power analysis for a latent growth model.

Define the population model

We first use the lavaan model syntax to define our population model and supply all the parameter values. To supply the population value of a parameter, we just need to multiply the parameter with the numeric value.

popmodel <- '

INTERC =~ 1*V1 + 1*V2 + 1*V3 + 1*V4
SLOPE =~ 0*V1 + 1*V2 + 2*V3 + 3*V4


INTERC ~ 5*1 
SLOPE ~ .5*1

# error variance
V1 ~~ .25*V1
V2 ~~ .25*V2
V3 ~~ .25*V3
V4 ~~ .25*V4

# intercepts 
V1 ~ 0*1
V2 ~ 0*1
V3 ~ 0*1
V4 ~ 0*1


Define the analysis model

Next we use the lavaan model syntax to define the analysis model. This is the model syntax you would write as if you have a data set at hand (we are very familiar with it already). The analysis model does not necessarily have to be the same as the population model.

Analyze.model <- '
INTERC =~ 1*V1 + 1*V2 + 1*V3 + 1*V4
SLOPE =~ 0*V1 + 1*V2 + 2*V3 + 3*V4



V1 ~~ a*V1
V2 ~~ a*V2
V3 ~~ a*V3
V4 ~~ a*V4

V1 ~ 0*1
V2 ~ 0*1
V3 ~ 0*1
V4 ~ 0*1


Conduct power analysis

Last, we call up the sim() function available in the simsem R package. This function will automatically generate multiple copies of data based on the population model and fit the analysis model to the simulated data. It will output the results summarized over replications.

For this example, we request sim() to generate 1000 copies of data, each has a sample size of 303. We also request sim() to use lavaan’s sem() function when fitting the analysis model to the simulated data. For more detailed information about the simsem package, please refer to its webpage.

Output <- sim(1000, Analyze.model, n = 200, generate = popmodel, lavaanfun = "sem")
## Model Type
## [1] "lavaan"
## ========= Fit Indices Cutoffs ============
##            Alpha
## Fit Indices      0.1     0.05     0.01    0.001     Mean     SD
##       chisq    9.116   11.144   14.342   18.761    4.916  3.108
##       aic   1218.903 1229.157 1248.090 1268.953 1176.910 32.507
##       bic   1244.711 1254.965 1273.898 1294.760 1202.717 32.507
##       rmsea    0.080    0.097    0.120    0.146    0.024  0.035
##       cfi      0.988    0.983    0.973    0.956    0.997  0.006
##       tli      0.986    0.980    0.967    0.947    1.000  0.011
##       srmr     0.052    0.060    0.073    0.086    0.034  0.014
## ========= Parameter Estimates and Standard Errors ============
##                Estimate Average Estimate SD Average SE
## INTERC~~INTERC            0.985       0.152      0.147
## INTERC~~SLOPE            -0.099       0.036      0.035
## SLOPE~~SLOPE              0.040       0.015      0.014
## INTERC~1                  4.998       0.097      0.094
## SLOPE~1                   0.500       0.026      0.026
## V1~~V1                    0.249       0.068      0.066
## V2~~V2                    0.251       0.043      0.043
## V3~~V3                    0.249       0.042      0.042
## V4~~V4                    0.253       0.066      0.063
##                Power (Not equal 0) Std Est Std Est SD Std Ave SE
## INTERC~~INTERC               1.000   1.000      0.000      0.000
## INTERC~~SLOPE                0.833  -0.500      0.119      0.122
## SLOPE~~SLOPE                 0.817   1.000      0.000      0.000
## INTERC~1                     1.000   5.083      0.416      0.395
## SLOPE~1                      1.000   2.677      0.664      0.654
## V1~~V1                       0.978   0.203      0.057      0.054
## V2~~V2                       1.000   0.234      0.040      0.039
## V3~~V3                       1.000   0.251      0.041      0.041
## V4~~V4                       0.990   0.253      0.063      0.062
##                Average Param Average Bias Coverage
## INTERC~~INTERC          1.00       -0.015    0.939
## INTERC~~SLOPE          -0.10        0.001    0.939
## SLOPE~~SLOPE            0.04        0.000    0.950
## INTERC~1                5.00       -0.002    0.932
## SLOPE~1                 0.50        0.000    0.948
## V1~~V1                  0.25       -0.001    0.943
## V2~~V2                  0.25        0.001    0.955
## V3~~V3                  0.25       -0.001    0.940
## V4~~V4                  0.25        0.003    0.943
## ========= Correlation between Fit Indices ============
##        chisq    aic    bic  rmsea    cfi    tli   srmr
## chisq  1.000  0.077  0.077  0.946 -0.913 -0.993  0.788
## aic    0.077  1.000  1.000  0.063 -0.048 -0.079  0.074
## bic    0.077  1.000  1.000  0.063 -0.048 -0.079  0.074
## rmsea  0.946  0.063  0.063  1.000 -0.932 -0.938  0.729
## cfi   -0.913 -0.048 -0.048 -0.932  1.000  0.918 -0.668
## tli   -0.993 -0.079 -0.079 -0.938  0.918  1.000 -0.787
## srmr   0.788  0.074  0.074  0.729 -0.668 -0.787  1.000
## ================== Replications =====================
## Number of replications = 1000 
## Number of converged replications = 998 
## Number of nonconverged replications: 
##    1. Nonconvergent Results = 0 
##    2. Nonconvergent results from multiple imputation = 0 
##    3. At least one SE were negative or NA = 0 
##    4. Nonpositive-definite latent or observed (residual) covariance matrix 
##       (e.g., Heywood case or linear dependency) = 2

Example: Power with MCAR missing data

We are using the same population model and analysis model as above.

define missing data template

Missing data template can be defined using the miss function in simsem. The pmMCAR argument indicates the proportion of values in each variable that will be missing completely at random.

missmodel <- miss(pmMCAR = 0.2)

Conduct power analysis

The missing data template can be incorporated in the simulation process with the miss = argument.

Output <- sim(1000, Analyze.model, n = 200, generate = popmodel, lavaanfun = "sem", miss = missmodel)
## Model Type
## [1] "lavaan"
## ========= Fit Indices Cutoffs ============
##            Alpha
## Fit Indices      0.1     0.05     0.01    0.001     Mean     SD
##       chisq    9.197   11.061   16.038   19.954    5.128  3.248
##       aic   1857.108 1871.257 1895.818 1933.618 1806.467 40.690
##       bic   1886.793 1900.942 1925.503 1963.303 1836.152 40.690
##       rmsea    0.065    0.078    0.105    0.122    0.021  0.029
##       cfi      0.992    0.989    0.979    0.976    0.998  0.004
##       tli      0.990    0.987    0.974    0.971    1.000  0.007
##       srmr     0.044    0.048    0.056    0.067    0.028  0.011
## ========= Parameter Estimates and Standard Errors ============
##                Estimate Average Estimate SD Average SE
## INTERC~~INTERC            0.989       0.123      0.119
## INTERC~~SLOPE            -0.099       0.030      0.029
## SLOPE~~SLOPE              0.040       0.012      0.012
## INTERC~1                  5.000       0.077      0.076
## SLOPE~1                   0.500       0.022      0.021
## V1~~V1                    0.249       0.054      0.054
## V2~~V2                    0.251       0.036      0.035
## V3~~V3                    0.252       0.034      0.034
## V4~~V4                    0.248       0.053      0.050
##                Power (Not equal 0) Std Est Std Est SD Std Ave SE
## INTERC~~INTERC               1.000   1.000      0.000      0.000
## INTERC~~SLOPE                0.959  -0.498      0.093      0.091
## SLOPE~~SLOPE                 0.949   1.000      0.000      0.000
## INTERC~1                     1.000   5.057      0.325      0.316
## SLOPE~1                      1.000   2.599      0.482      0.454
## V1~~V1                       0.999   0.202      0.044      0.043
## V2~~V2                       1.000   0.233      0.032      0.032
## V3~~V3                       1.000   0.252      0.034      0.033
## V4~~V4                       1.000   0.248      0.050      0.050
##                Average Param Average Bias Coverage
## INTERC~~INTERC          1.00       -0.011    0.930
## INTERC~~SLOPE          -0.10        0.001    0.943
## SLOPE~~SLOPE            0.04        0.000    0.947
## INTERC~1                5.00        0.000    0.941
## SLOPE~1                 0.50        0.000    0.935
## V1~~V1                  0.25       -0.001    0.944
## V2~~V2                  0.25        0.001    0.946
## V3~~V3                  0.25        0.002    0.951
## V4~~V4                  0.25       -0.002    0.935
## ========= Correlation between Fit Indices ============
##        chisq    aic    bic  rmsea    cfi    tli   srmr
## chisq  1.000  0.032  0.032  0.944 -0.925 -0.995  0.791
## aic    0.032  1.000  1.000  0.033 -0.035 -0.029  0.028
## bic    0.032  1.000  1.000  0.033 -0.035 -0.029  0.028
## rmsea  0.944  0.033  0.033  1.000 -0.935 -0.941  0.730
## cfi   -0.925 -0.035 -0.035 -0.935  1.000  0.923 -0.675
## tli   -0.995 -0.029 -0.029 -0.941  0.923  1.000 -0.791
## srmr   0.791  0.028  0.028  0.730 -0.675 -0.791  1.000
## ================== Replications =====================
## Number of replications = 1000 
## Number of converged replications = 1000 
## Number of nonconverged replications: 
##    1. Nonconvergent Results = 0 
##    2. Nonconvergent results from multiple imputation = 0 
##    3. At least one SE were negative or NA = 0 
##    4. Nonpositive-definite latent or observed (residual) covariance matrix 
##       (e.g., Heywood case or linear dependency) = 0

Example: Power with attrition

We are using the same population model and analysis model as above.

Define missing data template

Missing data template can be defined using the miss function in simsem. The prAttr argument indicates the probability of an entire case being removed due to attrition at each time point. Note that the probability is computed out of the remaining case at the each time point.

missmodel <- miss(prAttr = c(0, 0.2, 1/4, 1/3), timePoints = 4)

Conduct power analysis

Output <- sim(10000, Analyze.model, n = 130, generate = popmodel, lavaanfun = "sem", miss = missmodel, seed = 10011, multicore = T)
## Model Type
## [1] "lavaan"
## ========= Fit Indices Cutoffs ============
##            Alpha
## Fit Indices     0.1    0.05    0.01    0.001    Mean     SD
##       chisq  13.895  16.160  20.842   27.012   8.359  4.189
##       aic   917.215 931.075 956.364  985.774 867.983 38.273
##       bic   934.421 948.281 973.569 1002.979 885.189 38.273
##       rmsea   0.075   0.089   0.111    0.135   0.026  0.033
##       cfi     0.972   0.961   0.940    0.904   0.992  0.014
##       tli     0.979   0.971   0.955    0.928   0.999  0.015
##       srmr    0.085   0.097   0.122    0.156   0.056  0.022
## ========= Parameter Estimates and Standard Errors ============
##                   Estimate Average Estimate SD Average SE
## INTERC~~INTERC               0.990       0.150      0.149
## INTERC~~SLOPE               -0.099       0.042      0.042
## SLOPE~~SLOPE                 0.039       0.018      0.017
## INTERC~1                     5.000       0.096      0.095
## SLOPE~1                      0.500       0.035      0.034
## a <- (V1~~V1)                0.250       0.029      0.029
## a <- (V2~~V2)                0.250       0.029      0.029
## a <- (V3~~V3)                0.250       0.029      0.029
## a <- (V4~~V4)                0.250       0.029      0.029
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 1            0.000       0.000         NA
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 2            0.000       0.000         NA
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 3            0.000       0.000         NA
##                   Power (Not equal 0) Std Est Std Est SD Std Ave SE
## INTERC~~INTERC                  1.000   1.000      0.000      0.000
## INTERC~~SLOPE                   0.680  -0.512      0.208      0.407
## SLOPE~~SLOPE                    0.635   1.000      0.000      0.000
## INTERC~1                        1.000   5.069      0.405      0.397
## SLOPE~1                         1.000   2.827      1.344      1.899
## a <- (V1~~V1)                   1.000   0.205      0.033      0.033
## a <- (V2~~V2)                   1.000   0.234      0.034      0.034
## a <- (V3~~V3)                   1.000   0.253      0.040      0.039
## a <- (V4~~V4)                   1.000   0.256      0.050      0.049
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 1               1.000  -0.029      0.013      0.013
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 2               1.000  -0.048      0.028      0.027
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 3               1.000  -0.052      0.043      0.042
##                   Average FMI1 SD FMI1
## INTERC~~INTERC           0.038   0.180
## INTERC~~SLOPE           -0.283  24.592
## SLOPE~~SLOPE             0.423   4.643
## INTERC~1                 0.018   0.017
## SLOPE~1                  0.338   0.837
## a <- (V1~~V1)            0.405   0.057
## a <- (V2~~V2)            0.405   0.057
## a <- (V3~~V3)            0.405   0.057
## a <- (V4~~V4)            0.405   0.057
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 1          NaN      NA
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 2          NaN      NA
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 3          NaN      NA
## ========= Correlation between Fit Indices ============
##        chisq    aic    bic  rmsea    cfi    tli   srmr
## chisq  1.000  0.015  0.015  0.943 -0.911 -0.987  0.645
## aic    0.015  1.000  1.000  0.012  0.014 -0.014 -0.067
## bic    0.015  1.000  1.000  0.012  0.014 -0.014 -0.067
## rmsea  0.943  0.012  0.012  1.000 -0.929 -0.930  0.590
## cfi   -0.911  0.014  0.014 -0.929  1.000  0.913 -0.582
## tli   -0.987 -0.014 -0.014 -0.930  0.913  1.000 -0.650
## srmr   0.645 -0.067 -0.067  0.590 -0.582 -0.650  1.000
## ================== Replications =====================
## Number of replications = 10000 
## Number of converged replications = 9867 
## Number of nonconverged replications: 
##    1. Nonconvergent Results = 0 
##    2. Nonconvergent results from multiple imputation = 0 
##    3. At least one SE were negative or NA = 0 
##    4. Nonpositive-definite latent or observed (residual) covariance matrix 
##       (e.g., Heywood case or linear dependency) = 133 
## NOTE: The data generation model is not the same as the analysis  model. See the summary of the population underlying data  generation by the summaryPopulation function.

Example: Power with Planned Missing Data

Define missing data patterns

# Define the missing data patterns using a logical matrix

miss.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = 200, ncol = 4)

miss.row1 <- sample(1:nrow(miss.mat), 100, replace = F)

miss.mat[miss.row1, 1] <- 1
miss.mat[setdiff(1:nrow(miss.mat), miss.row1), 4] <- 1

# create the missing data template
missmodel <- miss(logical = apply(miss.mat, 2, as.logical), m = 0)

Conduct Power Analysis

Output <- sim(1000, Analyze.model, n = 200, generate = popmodel, lavaanfun = "sem", miss = missmodel, seed = 10291, multicore = T)
## Model Type
## [1] "lavaan"
## ========= Fit Indices Cutoffs ============
##            Alpha
## Fit Indices      0.1     0.05     0.01    0.001     Mean     SD
##       chisq   11.778   13.597   17.102   22.139    6.968  3.621
##       aic   1445.144 1459.544 1479.277 1496.805 1401.684 35.370
##       bic   1464.934 1479.334 1499.067 1516.595 1421.474 35.370
##       rmsea    0.049    0.059    0.075    0.094    0.014  0.021
##       cfi      0.989    0.984    0.971    0.955    0.997  0.006
##       tli      0.992    0.988    0.979    0.966    1.002  0.008
##       srmr     0.069    0.080    0.095    0.124    0.047  0.017
## ========= Parameter Estimates and Standard Errors ============
##                   Estimate Average Estimate SD Average SE
## INTERC~~INTERC               0.992       0.139      0.138
## INTERC~~SLOPE               -0.099       0.041      0.042
## SLOPE~~SLOPE                 0.040       0.020      0.020
## INTERC~1                     5.000       0.080      0.082
## SLOPE~1                      0.500       0.028      0.028
## a <- (V1~~V1)                0.249       0.024      0.024
## a <- (V2~~V2)                0.249       0.024      0.024
## a <- (V3~~V3)                0.249       0.024      0.024
## a <- (V4~~V4)                0.249       0.024      0.024
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 1            0.000       0.000         NA
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 2            0.000       0.000         NA
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 3            0.000       0.000         NA
##                   Power (Not equal 0) Std Est Std Est SD Std Ave SE
## INTERC~~INTERC                  1.000   1.000      0.000      0.000
## INTERC~~SLOPE                   0.663  -0.516      0.236      0.463
## SLOPE~~SLOPE                    0.537   1.000      0.000      0.000
## INTERC~1                        1.000   5.058      0.370      0.366
## SLOPE~1                         1.000   2.895      1.877      3.895
## a <- (V1~~V1)                   1.000   0.203      0.031      0.031
## a <- (V2~~V2)                   1.000   0.232      0.028      0.028
## a <- (V3~~V3)                   1.000   0.250      0.031      0.030
## a <- (V4~~V4)                   1.000   0.251      0.041      0.038
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 1               1.000  -0.028      0.011      0.010
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 2               1.000  -0.046      0.022      0.021
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 3               1.000  -0.048      0.035      0.033
##                   Average FMI1 SD FMI1
## INTERC~~INTERC           0.276   0.232
## INTERC~~SLOPE           -0.794  22.915
## SLOPE~~SLOPE             0.417  10.031
## INTERC~1                 0.138   0.022
## SLOPE~1                  0.289   1.063
## a <- (V1~~V1)            0.396   0.064
## a <- (V2~~V2)            0.396   0.064
## a <- (V3~~V3)            0.396   0.064
## a <- (V4~~V4)            0.396   0.064
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 1          NaN      NA
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 2          NaN      NA
## [ a ] - [ a ] # 3          NaN      NA
## ========= Correlation between Fit Indices ============
##        chisq    aic    bic  rmsea    cfi    tli   srmr
## chisq  1.000 -0.004 -0.004  0.905 -0.848 -0.992  0.601
## aic   -0.004  1.000  1.000 -0.020  0.026  0.005 -0.031
## bic   -0.004  1.000  1.000 -0.020  0.026  0.005 -0.031
## rmsea  0.905 -0.020 -0.020  1.000 -0.927 -0.896  0.526
## cfi   -0.848  0.026  0.026 -0.927  1.000  0.853 -0.519
## tli   -0.992  0.005  0.005 -0.896  0.853  1.000 -0.596
## srmr   0.601 -0.031 -0.031  0.526 -0.519 -0.596  1.000
## ================== Replications =====================
## Number of replications = 1000 
## Number of converged replications = 969 
## Number of nonconverged replications: 
##    1. Nonconvergent Results = 1 
##    2. Nonconvergent results from multiple imputation = 0 
##    3. At least one SE were negative or NA = 0 
##    4. Nonpositive-definite latent or observed (residual) covariance matrix 
##       (e.g., Heywood case or linear dependency) = 30 
## NOTE: The data generation model is not the same as the analysis  model. See the summary of the population underlying data  generation by the summaryPopulation function.

© Copyright 2024 @Yi Feng and @Gregory R. Hancock.